We provide growers with a full range of formulations. If you need a custom blend, Carl Pool has the expertise to design a formulation tailored to your specific growing conditions based on water and soils analysis, as well as the plants you grow. Special orders and drop shipment are available on our grower products.

Water Soluble Products:
Bent Grass Special 28-8-18
Blueberry Special 25-9-17
BR-61 9-58-8
Color Plus 18-9-18
Forage Booster 24-6-20
General Purpose 20-20-20
General Purpose Plus 20-20-20
Geranium Special 189-18-18
Hi Cal 15-0-15
High N 30-10-10
High N w/o Moly 30-10-10
High Nitrate Special 17-5-17
Hi Phos Special 15-30-15
Hydroponic Special 4-18-38
Pansy Special 10-30-20
Peat Lite w/ Sulfur 16-17-17
Pecan Special 18-6-6
Poinsettia One Step 15-6-9
Rose Special 10-50-10
Soilless Special 20-10-20
Tomato Vegetable 14-28-14
Tree & Woody Special 25-8-16
Turf Start 15-45-7
Winterizing Forage Booster 4-18-38